Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wisdom. Show all posts

13 April 2019

7 Things you Must Know When Making Online Friendship

7 Do's and Don'ts You Should Know when Making Online Friendship

In businesses, online friendship can be of great help. For instance marketers can know what products are profitable and which ones are in demand. This kind of friendship has led many marketers to sell their products and services. An affiliate marketer may form online friendship with other affiliate marketers. This helps her to know exactly what works and what doesn’t after chatting with other marketers through social sites.

Seven Do's and Don'ts when Making Online Friendship

1. Try not to do sales pitch. Sending them many frequent messages about your products hurts them.

2. Use a friendly language. I mean words that are not insulting. They esteem you if you watch your words.

3. Nurture and appreciate your friendship. You can do this by sending gifts, jokes, quotes and poems. Social networking websites have all these wonderful jokes, poems, quotes and gifts.

4. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Be helpful always. Exchange ideas wherever they ask for solutions. Be part of helpful and social community.

5. Don’t create multiple accounts (profiles.) Just have one account.

6. Appreciate what they write on their page (wall.) You do this by commenting on their tweets.

7. Don’t give a false title to yourself. If they discover this, then they abandon your online friendship.

Now you have the do's and don'ts, feel free to have some good times online.
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3 Major Causes Of Low Self-Esteem And 6 Ways To Boost it

Self-Confidence: 3 Main Causes Of Low-Esteem And 6 Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem and Increase Your Self Confidence.

There is no strong reason behind you having low self-esteem. It is probably to be a combination of factors that build on each other until a vicious cycle is created, making you feel more crazy. You simply feel like issues keep on mounting as opposed to being resolved.

- The main reason can boil down to self analysis. self-analysis. People with low self-esteem tend to suffer from social anxiety. A pre-cursor to social anxiety is self-obsession where the person continues to think about himself or herself.

Your self image bothers you greatly as though there is some major irregularity in the way you look. This can be hard to overcome if you are not willing to try to change yet won't accept yourself as you are presently.

No one thinks about you as much as you. Know that most people in conversations are more concerned about how you think of them than their perception of you.

If you want to be self-conscious, focus on other people. What a counter intuitive lesson! Once you focus on other people and reduce self-analysis, you begin saying and doing the right things. Also doing activities that make you focus and hold your attention can quickly boost your confidence.

- Low self-confidence can develop by failing to live up to expectations. Be in control of it!

People with high self-esteem value themselves and their achievements and do not care of others’ opinions, unless it is beneficial to them.

On the other hand, people with low self-esteem depend on others to give themselves and their achievements some value. They depend on others’ approval. If people tell us we are not good or we did not do good, we feel bad.

From the day you were born you have people around you, shaping your world, tell you what is good and bad and ultimately forming your initial level of self-confidence. As you went through school your friends and peers will keep on influencing how you feel.

If you are made to feel stupid with over zealous criticism, leaving you feeling like an outcast or if another person made all your decisions for you, this could well be a contributing factor to your low self-esteem today.

The feeling of belong to a group gives you an identity, be it your family, friends or even your job. If you fail to set a foundation of who you want to be, and continue to focus on what you don’t want then you will never start to feel better about yourself.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to fulfill your potential. I urge you to make sure you are in control of setting your expectations. Do not try to follow someone else’s unrealistic expectations of what is expected of you.

- Another example of this is how we treat fortune.

If I am a person of low self-esteem, then if good things happen to me, I shrug my shoulders and say it was luck. If bad things happen to me, I say it must be my fault.

However, if I was a person with high self-confidence, I would be attribute good luck to my efforts and bad luck to fate, that this did not work out.

 How then can we improve self confidence.

Here are five ways that you can do just that.

1. Model Confident People

Noticing what confident people do, how they speak, the ways they behave, can provide vital clues to finding self-confidence inside yourself.

Who is the most confident person you can think of? When you have them firmly in your mind, ask yourself these questions: how do they hold their shoulders? How do they stand? How do they walk? What clothes do they wear? How do they behave when with other people? What sort of things do you imagine they say about themselves? And if they were in your situation, what would they do?

This questioning goes far beyond "fake it till you make it" - it links us into the answers already inside us. Once you have a list of what that confident person would do, go ahead and model this behavior. Try it on for a few hours, a day, even a few days. Notice how everything you do, and the events around you, begin to change on their own.

2. Advertise Yourself

When you have to convince someone else about your strengths, it can have a fantastic effect on your self-esteem. Sitting down and really thinking about all your skills, gifts and talents is a wonderful reminder of all the good things about being you. Try writing an advertisement selling yourself as the perfect partner, house mate, friend, etc, with a full description of why anyone would be lucky to have you around. Don't be afraid to blow your own trumpet. This isn't an exercise in modesty, but in self-esteem.

3. Work On Your Resume.

Resumes are all about convincing someone to hire your time and your expertise. Giving your resume a regular update can also give your self-esteem a great boost. Alternatively, update your Facebook profile. Strange as it sounds, there is now research from Cornell University in New York to prove that people who view their Facebook profiles more regularly have better self-esteem. You get to go back and view your clever status updates, your significant dates and events, and photos of good times.

4. Say Positive Things About Yourself

Saying positive things about yourself, to yourself or others, is important. What we say about ourselves reveals a lot about our level of self-esteem. When we rehearse only what we do wrong, or don't like about ourselves, our brain builds neural pathways for these conversations, till eventually negative self-talk is practically automatic.

If you are not used to talking about yourself in a positive way, you will simply have to learn how. Keep practicing, choose a few nice things to say or think about yourself and use them as a mantra every day. It can be something you are proud of about yourself, or positive things you remember others saying about you in the past.

The more you repeat this, the easier the behavior will become as your nervous system will build more neural connections to this positive self-talk, and less to the negative self-talk.

5. Accept mistakes. A baby tries to walk, falls over, and gets up to try again. If it gave up like so many people with poor self-esteem, it would never learn to walk.

While for many, self-esteem issues are a transitional part of growing into an adult and finding a place in the world, scientific research studies show that people with continued low self-esteem are also more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, poor physical health, and even a lower income later on in life.

Those with long lasting issues of low self-esteem know only too well that it is not something you grow out of, but something that sits in the subconscious mind and continues to effect every part of life for years.

6. Is It You, Or Is It Them?

The people who surround us, at home, at school, at work, or in social settings, can have a huge impact on our self-esteem. Either they will support us, making us feel better about ourselves, or their negativity will bring us down emotionally. This may not be intentional. Some people just seem to notice what's wrong more than on what's right.

If you find there are people in your life who make you feel bad about yourself, you need to make a decision. Can you counteract the effect they are having with you? Or do you need to do some punning?

Do you really need to be around people who make you feel bad about yourself? Choose to associate with positive people that make you feel alive, happy, and optimistic about life.

Deciding to spend less time with people isn't about making anyone else 'wrong' or 'bad' -- it has to do with making clear decisions about how you want to, and asserting your right to feel good instead of bad.

Use these strategies on a regular basis and you really will boost your self-esteem -- and increase your self-confidence.

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8 April 2019

5 Practical Steps To Overcoming the act of Masturbation [ A MUST READ]

Masturbation means stirring up or arousing your sexual organs for sexual pleasure. It is typical among many young people especially teenagers. There are several reasons people masturbate, which are: for pleasure, enjoyment, fun, tension release.

Here we'll be looking at the effects and practical steps to overcoming the act. Why you should quit masturbation now- the effect:

Note: Masturbation has no positive effect.

Here are some reasons you should quit the act:
  • The first reason you should quit the act now is because It is a sin again God and Your body.
First Corinthians 6 verse 18 says 'flee (Abstain) from sexual immorality. all other sins a person commits are outside the body, but  whoever sins sexually sins against the body.

Masturbation is a very deadly sin. it is an abuse of the body, anybody that masturbates does not only defiles the person's body but degrades it and furthermore, masturbation intertwined with the heart, soul and mind as well as the body.
  •  It's a sin against God: 
1 Corinthians 3 vs 17 ' if anyone destroys God's temple God will destroy him, meaning that if anyone abuses, defiles or degrades his or her own body which is the temple of God, God Himself who is the maker and creator of that body will also destroy the person. Anybody involved in the act of masturbation is guilty of sin and hell-Revelation 21 vs 8.
  • God sees you: 
Yes! you may think that because you closed the doors or because you are inside your room alone that nobody sees you. Mortal man may not see you you but God the Immortal sees you. You cannot hid or escape from Him psalm 139 : 12.

This is one of the greatest truths in Life which we all must know. Like fugitives, we may run but we cannot ultimately hide from the God
who penetrates even the darkness with the gaze of His light.
  • It has phycological and physical effect.
Masturbation makes you lose your ability to think and solve problems. Research has shown that masturbation has both mental and physical effect on the individual involved which are: Mental or Phsycological effects: it causes cognitive dysfunction, intense discomfort, irritability, anxiety,craving for relief, susceptibility to nervous system, stresses, depressed mood, difficulty in communicating, difficulty in remembering, difficulty in reading and retaining information, difficulty in concentrating and socialising.

The physical effects are: severe fatique, mild to severe headache, itch eyes, nasal irritation and muscle pain.

Practical steps to overcoming it.

1.   You must decide to quit. freedom starts with a firm decision. Decision means 'a conclusion reached after series of considerations.

Decision consists of two things:
  • A burning desire and 
  • believing you can achieve it.

You must have a burning desire to quit and also believe it's possible. The bible says ' But Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself by eating the king's food nor the wine which he drank.

2.   Open Up: Open up to God, open up to your pastor, or a counselor.  Swallowing your sins can have a disastrous effect in your life. Uncoffessed sin can make you physically weighed down by guilt.

3.    Go for deliverance:  Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin” (John 8:34) and that He came to set us free (verse 32). Evil has a way of taking hold in a person’s life when one “give the devil a foothold” (Ephesians 4:27) by harboring sins. Also bad habits are hard to break. When sin is committed repeatedly, it forms a chain in the life of the sinner that only the Jesus can break.

4.    Keep away from those things that fuels it, like pornography, dirty conversations,  sex chats etc

5.    After Embrace the word of God: The thought of life, the emotions, the issues of life, those things
that motivate and mold us are the products of the heart. The heart controls the your life, your thoughts whether positive or negative  controls your actions.

But when you feed your heart with God's word, when you give attention to it , negative thoughts goes and your mind will be filled with inspirations and revelations, also the devil will have no space to penetrate because an idle mind is the devil's workshop.

The bible says in " Philippians 4:8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise". 2 Corinthians 10:4 "We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments". Fight that negative thoughts with God's word; When negative thoughts comes, rebuke  and pull them down by the word of God in your hearts and lips. Study it, Meditate on it, Declare it

The Word keeps you from evil; psalms 119 'how can a young man make his way pure;by taking heed/meditating on God's Word.

5. Shun idleness: Engage yourself in something meaningful. get busy with your life, find a work or whenever you are idle at home, pick up your bible or an inspirational book and start reading  or tune to christian channels to get inspired or rather pray. Matthew 26:41a: Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
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What to Do When Struggling Against Victim Mentality

It is extremely difficult to deal with people who have a predisposition to assume that the World is against them. It is however, even more difficult for the person who has to live with this belief.

We all of us, perhaps, understand how this feels to a certain degree. Everyone has wondered, at some time or another, what another person thinks of them, or maybe questioned if they were good enough. But some people, due to past experiences, are subjected to these types of questions ruling their thoughts all day, very day. Some people respond to these worries and fears in a passive way; others fight against them with great tenacity.

You can easily spot these "fighters"; you can almost see their armor and their swords drawn ready to strike. They are fiery, and quick to take offence, almost always assuming that you have treated them badly or done something to hurt them, said something nasty about them, and so on. They feel slighted or cheated. In reality, most often this has only happened in their mind; Your mind works in such a way that you tend to see what you expect to see.

The person who the sword is pointed at can be forgiven for feeling uncomfortable. To their knowledge they have done nothing to deserve this aggression. Sometimes you can smooth the situation over by employing a considerable amount of diplomacy; at other times no matter what you say or do, it just makes the situation worse. Most often, you do your best to walk away; to remove yourself from the firing line.

There is one sure thing which I suspect everyone secretly knows; the world is not against you. You may have received the thin end of the wedge, or experienced a lot of set-backs, but the World is not against you. If you feel that have been on the receiving end of an unusual amount of "bad luck", although it is tempting to start to think that everything will always go wrong, it is vitally important for you to fight off this thought.

It is this pattern of thought which has the power to make the World seem to turn against you. Your mind is a very powerful thing. Whatever you imagine you create. Whatever you dwell upon you bring into your reality. If you spend your time thinking that the world is against you, the feelings which you experience will reflect this thought pattern. And your reality is simply what you feel it is.

You and I may be standing at the traffic lights. You can see that the light is on green, whilst I see that it is on red. The only difference is the perspective from which we are viewing the lights. We are both correct; we do both see what we think we are seeing.

But the world is not like a traffic light in that it will not just change color as you stand and watch; the world will only change for you as your perspective alters.

Thus if you feel that you are a "victim" you have the power to change your reality, simply by changing the direction of your thoughts and mental focus. Hypnosis is a particularly useful state of mind to access so as to achieve this aim, build your confidence and promote happiness in your world.
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Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking With this 9 Tips

Fear of public speaking is natural and common. Indeed, even the best speakers do have them each time before their speeches. Be that as it may, you need to harness the fear of public speaking, so you can give incredible speeches or deliver that impressive presentation.

Here are ten helpful hints on the best way to prepare yourself to overcome that fear of public speaking.

1.  Ensure you know the topic/theme very well. Set aside some time to research and have all that could possibly be needed materials. include humor, personal anecdotes, popular quotes, relevant current topics or headline into your presentation.

2.  Practice. After having sketched out or outlined your speech, rehearse out loud with your supporting visual aids at home. Check the timing of your presentation. Add or reduce some of content as necessary.

3.  Know The Venue Well. Check out the place of your presentation.

4.  Know Your Audience. Arrive prior to welcome a welcome some of the audience as they arrive. Exchange some pleasantries and get acquainted. You will be comfortable addressing them later.

5.  Impact Introduction. Walk up, smile and begin your speech with a bang. It can be a current joke, a startling statistics, or other related and relevant materials. Make it short and punchy. As they say: Well begun is half done.

6.  Try not to stand in one place. Move about and gesture with your hands if necessary and not overlooking your facial expressions. You don't have to over dramatize. Do not forget to smile.

7.  Deliver The Message. If you are well prepared, everything will fall in place as planned. Concentrate on the message of your speech. Talk to them as if you are sharing a conversation with friends. And before you know, it is over.

8.  Cover Up Mistakes with hurmour If you do make any mistakes or goof up during your presentation. Don't panick and don't apologize profusely, remain calm and at that point use self-effacing humor to make jokes about at your mistakes or diffuse or control the situation.

9.  Learn From Experience. Experience matters. As it's been said, if you want to learn how to dance, then you have to dance. Similarly with public speaking. Do it a couple of times, and you will find it easier next time. Experience builds confidence. This is the ultimate way to overcome your fear of public speaking.
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7 Important Things You Should Look Out For When Choosing a Mentor

The benefits of having a mentor are big. A survey of Fortune 500 companies found that 96% of executives credited mentoring as an important development tool and 75% said mentoring played a key role in their career success.

But how do you get a mentor?

Many employees and managers complain about not having a mentor. Such people are usually waiting for the company to assign a mentor to them. Mentoring works much better when the mentee takes responsibility for choosing a mentor.

So, the first place to start is to find one yourself! Below are some characteristics of great mentors
  • Respect: 
Look for someone that others respect. A mentor should be someone who can be looked up to as a role model of the company’s values and ideals and who understands the culture of the organization, its practices and the strategies needed to negotiate them. Additionally, it should be someone that you want to assist you in planning and achieving your career goals.
  • Must be able to correct you:
 A mentor is someone who is capable of pointing out embarrassing things about how you are "showing up" at work. Think of it this way, if you came back from lunch with broccoli in your teeth, a mentor wouldn’t be shy about pointing it out!
  • Independent Loyalist: 
While a mentor is someone who is loyal to the company, he shouldn’t have drunken so much of the organizational happy-juice that he can’t think independently. Pick a mentor who has a mind of his or her own.
  • There for You: 
Find a mentor who will be available to meet with you regularly. Regular meetings will help to not only build a relationship, but will also enable you and your mentee to address topics on an on-going basis. Create a schedule. Consider meeting every month or two (sooner if you’re experiencing particularly tough work challenges).
  • Expert in Their Field: 
Your mentor should have job-related expertise in the field in which you wish to grow. This might be technological or managerial. It is expertise that you may ­find useful in their current or future roles.
  • Storytellers: 
A great mentor is a master storyteller. When you’re struggling with an issue, your mentor should willingly share a story about a similar struggle that he faced in the past.
  • Lifelong Learner:
 Experience accumulated through the mentor’s own life of personal issues that are or are likely to be of particular use to the person being mentored. Pick a mentor who constantly strives to be a better leader himself. Ask the mentor who he or she considers to be his or her mentor(s).

The aim of mentoring is to build the capability of you, the mentee. As such, you should always choose a mentor who you feel can respond to your needs in a way that enables you to find your own solutions to problems that you may be dealing with. Ultimately, your mentor should help build you up to eventually have a mentor of your own!
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Ten Easy Steps to Creating a Self Improvement Plan [VERY EFFECTIVE]

When you set out to build up a personal growth plan, you need to take a few factors into consideration. Here are ten simple steps to start with:

1st Stage - TAKE INVENTORY OF YOUR LIFE NOW: First thing to do when setting out to make change is to assess where you are at this moment. In this way, for at least one week (however doing it for about fourteen days would be better), take note of how and where you spend your time. Also, notice whether things take longer than you "think" they should take you. Do not judge where you spend your time, simply take note. Make sure to include ends of the week so you have a variety between work days and non-work days. Keep this step simple. Try not to change anything. Just take note of your time commitments.

2nd Stage - CATEGORIZE HOW YOU SPEND YOUR TIME: Now let's categorize every aspect of your life where you spent your time currently. A self-awareness plan sample should have the following categories: (1) Dreams; (2) Career/Financial; (3) Purpose/Goals; (4) Love/Family; (5) Health.

3rd Stage - DREAM ABOUT YOUR PERFECT LIFE: Give yourself consent to take a couple of minutes to dream about your ideal life. While this is just imagination, this activity opens an entryway of inner knowledge that can lead you to your ideal life. Do not judge any of your dreams. These are your actual feelings and ones that will guide you in your own proper way.

4th Stage - MATCH UP YOUR DREAM/PERFECT LIFE WITH YOUR CURRENT LIFE: After envisioning where you would like to take your life, compare it with your current life. Be ready for this step to cause some pain if there is a big difference between the two. However, this step gives you a "starting point" and a "finishing point," the two of which are important to set out plans to get from one to the next.

5th Stage - ASK, "WHAT SMALL CHANGE CAN I MAKE NOW THAT WILL ALTER MY OVERALL LIFE TRAJECTORY?" Many occasions making a little change in your present conditions has stronger implications as your life unfolds because it changes your focus. For instance, if you choose to take a 15 minute every day walk just to "percolate" how to make the next step for your life, this small action will move your current mindset from "I'm stuck now" to "What's next and how do I get there?" Over time, this will gain momentum as your direction of life expands because your "rocket" is now pointed to a new planet - the planet of expectation/hope!

6th Stage - FIND A GOOD SELF-AWARENESS PLAN TEMPLATE FOR DETAILED PLANNING: There are numerous self-awareness plan samples, examples and templates accessible today. Search for one that keeps it simple because one of the things I have discovered is a hinderance when individuals build up a self-growth plan is that they make it too complicated - which, obviously, results to overwhelm and disappointment.

7th Stage - GET PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN COACHING: When you are planning out a major event, such as your life, it's a good time to get a objective perspective on yourself, which is one of the best things about using a coach. Strategizing with somebody as such can quickly build your success rate when you want to develop up a self-improvement plan. Often times, a coach will likewise have a good example of self-improvement/growth plan.

8th Stage - GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO MAKE THE CHANGES: Often times what prevents people from progress when they develop a self-improvement plan is thinking little of the time it takes to set goals and make changes. At the point when this occurs, it's easy to get discouraged and give up. In this way, one of the best things you can do is to give yourself a lot of time to make change.

9th Stage - IMAGINE YOUR DESIRED RESULTS: Imagination is very powerful, yet there is one vital component to engaging in imagination that a lot of people miss. That component is to really feel the scenario that you are imagining. This one portion makes the difference between success and failure.
10th Stage - HAVE FUN: Many occasions we get overly serious when trying to make changes in our lives. This serious point of view the joy all the joy out of the endeavor and joy is a basic factor when looking for goal achievement.

By utilizing these ten stages when you begin to build up a self-improvement plan, you are setting yourself up for progress, with extra special care.

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Five Levels of Leadership Every Leader Must Know by John Maxwell

There is a saying that leaders are not born, they are created. Team building's develop leadership abilities and imparts the value of what leadership is about. Maxwell asks "How do you grow an organization? By growing the people in it the basic building block of every organization/company, institution and organization is human capital.

According to John Maxwell, there are five levels of leadership:

first - POSITION LEVEL LEADERSHIP: People follow you because they have to, most of the time these are the type of leaders who just warm their seats and contribute marginally to the organization. On the other hand, it can serve as a platform from which an individual develops himself onto the higher levels of leadership. This is best described by Niccolo Machiavelli "It is not the titles that honor men, but men that honors titles"

second - PERMISSION LEVEL LEADERSHIP: People follow you because they want to. Top down relationships are replaced by side-by-side relationships.

third - PRODUCTION LEVEL LEADERSHIP: People follow you because of what you have done for the organization. This is where leadership truly takes off. Maxwell cited Peter Dricker "There are two sorts of people in the business community; those who produce results and those who give you reasons why they didn't". Leadership by sets the standard visually. The result producing leaders attracts other highly productive teams.

fourth - PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT LEADERSHIP: People follow you because of what you have done for them. The imperative part of this leve is the need to build people so they can lead with you. A productive leader is not enough. A reproducing leader is needed. Sharing leadership with others gives you back time to do something more essential. Maxwell focuses on that:

"It takes a leader to KNOW a leader,
It takes a leader to SHOW a leader and
it takes a leader to GROW a leader"

5th: PINNACLE LEADERSHIP: People follow because of who you are and what you represent. These pinnacle leaders are a significantly above the rest. What sets them apart is they create a lasting legacy that is passed on to the next generation of leaders to continue.

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5 Common Errors Managers Make That Could Sink Their Career

If you own a company or manage a department, one of the reasons you’ve come this far is because you’re good at what you do. However, inspiring the people who work for you to give their best efforts is another skill altogether. It’s difficult to complete tasks well and on time if your staff isn’t on the same page with you, or if they don’t share your commitment to success.

Are you frustrated by employees who don’t perform as well as expected? It may be time to take a look at your leadership style. Here are five common mistaken beliefs that may be interfering with your effectiveness as a boss.
  • Good new hires will know how to do the job right out of the blocks.
Hiring a competent person is only the first step. Regardless of whether the new person arrives already accomplished in his field, spend time with him so he can get to know your approach and share your vision. Regardless what position he occupies, help him become attuned to your strategic plan. It takes time, but the payoff is huge.
  •  No one else can do the job as well as I can.
As your organization grows, you’ll be adding people below you. Why did you hire them if not to help lighten your load, so you can focus on what’s most important? (What’s important may even include your own improved quality of life.) Surround yourself with good people, then give them a chance to show they can handle the responsibility. Step back and let them take some of the weight off your shoulders.
  •  If I tell them once, they should be good to go.
Not necessarily. Part of the job of a manager is to provide ongoing feedback. Don’t limit this to just once a year during performance reviews: help your people understand how they can do a better job now. Helping them grow and develop increases their value in the workplace, and more important, to your company.
  • I'm too occupied to even think about planning 
Do you ever feel as though you spend your entire day at work simply responding to the biggest crises? Set aside some time to sit down and map out a strategy for the future. Planning may seem like a luxury when you have so much on your plate already, however if you don't invest time now, you'll find yourself  operating in perpetual crises mode later – which, as everybody knows, is a certain formula for burnout. Try not to endeavor to muscle your way through each issue that faces you. Think before you execute (or delegate the execution to other people).
  • My employees know they are doing a good job. I don't need to let them know. 
One of the biggest errors managers make is neglecting to recognize their employees' successes and only pointing out their faults. Consider it – do you perform better when you know you are appreciated, or when you're chastised for your weaknesses? Letting them know you're pleased with their accomplishments will encourage them to keep striving to do great work. That's human being for you!

Coaching Call To Action

Okay rate yourself as an inspiring leader with your people giving their best? If not, choose a couple of changes from the above list that will free you and your workers to carry out the responsibility every one of you should do.
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