8 April 2019

5 Common Errors Managers Make That Could Sink Their Career



If you own a company or manage a department, one of the reasons you’ve come this far is because you’re good at what you do. However, inspiring the people who work for you to give their best efforts is another skill altogether. It’s difficult to complete tasks well and on time if your staff isn’t on the same page with you, or if they don’t share your commitment to success.

Are you frustrated by employees who don’t perform as well as expected? It may be time to take a look at your leadership style. Here are five common mistaken beliefs that may be interfering with your effectiveness as a boss.
  • Good new hires will know how to do the job right out of the blocks.
Hiring a competent person is only the first step. Regardless of whether the new person arrives already accomplished in his field, spend time with him so he can get to know your approach and share your vision. Regardless what position he occupies, help him become attuned to your strategic plan. It takes time, but the payoff is huge.
  •  No one else can do the job as well as I can.
As your organization grows, you’ll be adding people below you. Why did you hire them if not to help lighten your load, so you can focus on what’s most important? (What’s important may even include your own improved quality of life.) Surround yourself with good people, then give them a chance to show they can handle the responsibility. Step back and let them take some of the weight off your shoulders.
  •  If I tell them once, they should be good to go.
Not necessarily. Part of the job of a manager is to provide ongoing feedback. Don’t limit this to just once a year during performance reviews: help your people understand how they can do a better job now. Helping them grow and develop increases their value in the workplace, and more important, to your company.
  • I'm too occupied to even think about planning 
Do you ever feel as though you spend your entire day at work simply responding to the biggest crises? Set aside some time to sit down and map out a strategy for the future. Planning may seem like a luxury when you have so much on your plate already, however if you don't invest time now, you'll find yourself  operating in perpetual crises mode later – which, as everybody knows, is a certain formula for burnout. Try not to endeavor to muscle your way through each issue that faces you. Think before you execute (or delegate the execution to other people).
  • My employees know they are doing a good job. I don't need to let them know. 
One of the biggest errors managers make is neglecting to recognize their employees' successes and only pointing out their faults. Consider it – do you perform better when you know you are appreciated, or when you're chastised for your weaknesses? Letting them know you're pleased with their accomplishments will encourage them to keep striving to do great work. That's human being for you!

Coaching Call To Action

Okay rate yourself as an inspiring leader with your people giving their best? If not, choose a couple of changes from the above list that will free you and your workers to carry out the responsibility every one of you should do.

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