18 December 2017

Seizing the Mantle of Leadership


How to Seize the Mantle of Leadership as a Nigerian.

How to Seize the Mantle of Leadership as a Ngerian Youth

For many years now, I have been observing Nigeria as a country in which I was born.
I have come to the knowledge that Nigeria does not appreciate value or integrity. All that counts in this country is being in charge.

In Nigeria, money is with the illiterate and all they know to do with it is buy food and show off. You need to see their joy when they are spending money.

The educated people have always been employees. These illiterates use Christianity and humility to silent the educated ones, subject and suppress them and keep living their own lives.

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The educated are made to feel that it is by their hardworking they get more responsible. The paradox of it is that the humbler they are, the poorer they are subjected to be.

When other countries launch a tie with Nigeria, they always meet primitives. This is because the qualified are suppressed and the unqualified are projected either by themselves (scheming) or by relatives (connection). 

The worst of it all is that the very qualified ones have no testimonials or certificates of high terms. These are the people that leave universities with Second Class and Third Class degrees. The illiterate ones (educated illiterates) graduate with First Class degrees. 

The value of those certificates to them is just job-getting.

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Today, I tell you the truth, if you see yourself as a knowledgeable person and you're still sitting on the shores of humility to be picked, sorry; you will be poor till death and Nigeria will only get worse by the day. These greedy illiterates will only look for you to achieve their aims then dump you!

If Nigeria will ever get better, then the skilled youths will just have to arise now and seize the mantle of leadership everywhere.

If you see yourself as a skilled person-- some of you are the best in your jurisdictions but are thinking yourself the worst--arise and begin to work towards headship.

Everyone is a leader; yes, you've read and said that many times, now, arise and be that!
Start making plans to capture power anywhere desirable to you and show Nigeria the difference there.
Enough of good-for-nothing humility and patience! 

Arise and show the abilities in you; the nation is dying, for God sake!

Looking forward to living in a better Nigeria!


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