
13 April 2019

6 Financial Tips for Newlyweds [ALL COUPLES SHOULD NOT MISS THIS]

6 Financial Tips for Newlyweds

So you just got hitched and are beginning to build a life together with your spouse. Here are 6 Essential Financial Tips that will set you up for success for years to come.

Change the "Next Of Kin" on your Insurance Policies, RRSPs, TFSAs, Company Pension and Benefits Plan


You would certainly want your assets to transition to your surviving partner if at the end of the day you happened to pass away. Before you were hitched you likely include your parents or siblings as next of kins to your assets.

Since you are hitched, change them to your partner. The Income Tax Act takes into account spousal rollovers for registered plans, which implies your surviving partner can assume your assets, avoid tax and probate – which you would be liable to if you had anybody other than your mate as a beneficiary.

Create your Will and Power of Attorneys


Suppose you get down with sickness. The Power of Attorney will give your partner or someone else you choose, the power to sign documents and make decisions on your behalf, in the event that you become incapacitated to do as such.

Your Will on the hand will show how you would want your assets for be dispersed on your demise. It likewise provides for you to show how you would want your assets to be distributed in various scenarios, for instance if you and your life partner happen to pass away together.

Without a Will, a court delegated Trustee will step in to control your Estate and will decide how your benefits are appropriated. Your surviving beneficiaries could step in to execute your estate however they would initially need to apply to the courts get appointed of the executor of the estate. Spare them the hassle and get one done.

Purchase Life Insurance

Your company life insurance isn’t nearly close enough to be adequate coverage. Life Insurance will be paid to your beneficiary on your passing. It will help your surviving beneficiaries with paying for taxes, debts, funeral expenses and cover on-going living expenses. Life Insurance is cheap when you are young, buy it before you need it and can’t get it.

Goal set and keep track of your expenditures

Managing money with your partner can be a challenge, especially if you both have different spending habits. Sit down and set short and long term goals. i.e. Buying a house. Create a budget and track your expenditures. Identify areas where you can cut costs and increase your savings.

Invest when you are young

By investing when you are young, your money will have more time to compound and grow, helping you reach your goals faster. Be sure to take advantage of government registered plans such RRSP’s and TFSA’s to help you meet your goals

Work with a Financial Advisor

Financial Advisors will assist you on the early stage planning of your new life together. Not only will they provide you more in depth advice for each of the earlier points, but will also be able structure your financial situation, to ensure you are taking advantage of all opportunities available to you. They will also guide you to making smart decisions which will yield results for years to come.

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